from Tallinn to Peraküla

It is possible to get to Peraküla with public transportation ( but this time I took the easy way: sister-transportation. Or, it is necessarily not that easy. It takes time for her to arrive but my last working day before vacation has some trouble ending as well. Then she has to take her swimwear and then we take along Kalle and then it's about eleven in the evening when we arrive at Peraküla camping site. Lot of cars. But silence, except for the sea. Midblue clouds against pink sky. Singing sand. First into the water, then some sand-songs, then goodbye. Some Brit is lost in Tallinn airport.
Despite the late hour I make dinner to lighten my backpack. 20 kg is a bit too much even if it includes 3 liters of water. Some couples walk silently by.
still at home
from Peraküla to Vihterpalu, 30,41 km

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