two interviews

In the morning I meet Léon.
He has been here on and off since about the ninties and knows everybody. Everybody. Talk is long and interesting.
Then to A.L.O. The address is incomprehensible and the taxi circles around. I call and ask the boy to explain the road. It seems that the taxi driver is not very kind to him. But he comes to meet me on a street corner. I talk to three people. A law office, has some co-operation with a Danish university, their field is criminal law. Currently they are researching the situation in prisons and are at a loss how to write in the report that when rules are not followed then everything is in good condition and when rules are followed then everything is in disarray. I suggest that the rules should be changed. That seems a novel idea. We talk long and laugh and there‘s coffee and cookies.
I already can give instructions to the taxi drivers strating from Pizza Hut. Some are reluctant to obey and are surprised when the hotel is located where I say it is.
For a change I go to Thai restaurant further away. Air conditioner blows ash from the fire under the fish on me. A Cinderella package.
again an interview
bicycle day

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