from Loch na Crèitheach to Braes

A sunny morning drinking coffee next to the tent is something that occurs much less in real life than camping gear advertisements want people to believe.
We are in no rush to leave.
As we start walking, more and more clouds gather overhead and behind us. There are wrens and colorful bushes of heather. On our right are the red Cuillins, on the left the black ones. The trail is clear, with some minor streams that can be crossed by stepping on stones.
Clouds catch up with us and soon the view disappears into gray. We're almost in Sligachan anyway which means that it's a good time to have a beer and lunch and charge batteries. So we escape the rain.
On the other side of the bay the ground is wet, wind rolls along the landscape. We aim to Braes where there should be some shelter. A nice grassy spot under apple trees. At the beach some boys sledge down the slope on their bottoms. An eye-catching mess of clouds forms towards the west.
from Torrin to Loch na Crèitheach
from Braes to Portree

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