from Torrin to Loch na Crèitheach

The river has withdrawn by the morning.
It's still a bit salty though.
The trail climbs up through a short stretch of forest and then across a bog. I hear some birds and meet the first midges of the hike. After Kilmarie some seaside, some more forest, some orchids.
We just about reach the shop in Elgol which closes straight after we have got coffee and brownie and are having fun with it in front of the shop. Delicious brownie, a lot of chocolate inside, recommended.
The trail finally turns north, towards the goal.
From Elgol to Camasunary the trail follows a quite steep mountain side. Lovely with the sunny weather we have. Beautiful views, lots of flowers, some scramble through trees and bushes. Must be pretty uncomfortable and a wee bit dangerous with rain.
There are already many hikers at the Camasunary boothy and the wet sock smell inside is eye-watering. Sun is still high so we continue into the unknown, hoping to find a campsite at the big lake a few kilometers ahead.
And what a miracle, there's a tiny pebble beach with a grassy flat spot next to it. A perfect campsite. Nobody's there, no wind. The lake is like a mirror. Water is cold but good enough for a refreshing wash. Midges are the only downside but there are not terribly many of them. And we have Smidge.
During dinner we keep an eye on the lake but it seems to have no intention to rise anywhere.
from Broadford to Torrin
from Loch na Crèitheach to Braes

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