from Barðsvík to Bolungarvík, 20,83 km

It is warm in the tent in the morning. I suspect that the weather forecast has been right and indeed, partly cloudy nice weather. This suits well for the planned detour.
A bit further up from here is a lake called Þrengslavatn. There lives nature-mother who comes out every midsummernight to have a look at her stones. So better not to collect any stones from there since she has just counted them.
The way up should not be complicated. First along the river until a smaller lake and then GPS waypoints should help. I head off along grass and moss, two swans keep an eye on me, waterfalls are all over the place. Sorrel and blueberry flowers as snack. Tent turns into a dot. In the end of the valley are big loose rocks and snow as is the custom here. I also notice a few heaps of stones that mark the way and a stretch of trail. The trail is soon covered by a huge snow wall. The lake is partly covered in snow, the rest is blue. Nature-mother is nowhere to be seen. I sit, eat some snacks, look towards Lónafjörður and listen to snow melting. About seven kilometers and 2,5 hours.
Back down, I pack my things, cross the river and start ascent to Göngumannaskarð. It's supposed to be the steepest pass in Hornstrandir. Pretty tiring. The views are worth the trouble. On the other side is Bolungarvík where waves land in ideal half-circle and I almost see the bay where the hot water spring is.
First blooming crane's bills. I'm here one week earlier than last year and winter was colder that's why there are not so many flowers yet.
There has to be a campsite in Bolungarvík. Every map says so. But there are only two summer houses and not a soul to be seen. Starts to feel like Palle's world. Can't ask anyone where is it ok to camp. So I probably camp in someone's back yard but who cares. No-one sees me anyway.
Before going to sleep I sit by the sea, look at the waves and ducks. No wind. In Iceland!
So I'm alone in this 'nóttlaus voraldar veröld, þar sem víðsýnið skín'.
from Látrar to Barðsvík, 14,42 km
from Bolungarvík to Furufjörður, 17,08 km

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