2nd day, 30,56 km, from Nõmmeveski to Jussi Väinjärv

Some people arrived in the evening after I had already closed myself in the sleeping bag. They all had silver-colored tents it turned out in the morning.
My tent is dry, weather cloudy and chilly. River flows slowly towards the sea, it smells of pines and wet undergrowth. There’s a surreal painting in the sky.
Nõmmeveski bridge is gone, it will be back after 15th of August. But the spring is still there. You can get good drinking water if you follow the river a bit after Nõmmeveski bridge, cross under a bridge-like structure and notice a black pipe coming across the river. It comes from a spring and is absolutely clean, locals use it as well.
Good views over Valgejõgi river, after that Vasaristi waterfall. Or it used to be a waterfall, now it’s just water dripping picturesquely. There are wild raspberries and wild strawberries. And after a while on the road comes some more clear pine forest. Since the trees are lighter upwards it seems as if the sun was always shining between the pines.
At Kalmeoja I meet an Hungarian. He has already been everywhere in Estonia. So we cross Viru peat bog together. There’s a nice place for swimming in the bog. Water is dark and refreshing. Then some more crossing – over the Petersburg highway. The Hungarian stays there to figure out what to do next. I continue through some damp forest with nettles over my head. Then follow meadows in the sun with buzzing insects on the flowers and grasshopper noise.
Järvi lakes are beautiful but unfortunately these are mostly taken over by partying Russians. But Kõnnu swamp is quiet and sunny, with light green and yellow. After that comes Paukjärv lake, it’s supposed to have the cleanest water of all Estonian lakes. Then some climbing up and down, mostly up or so it seems before I get to Jussi Väinjärv lake. Good time to take a swim. The sun illuminates the forest opposite the lake and all mosquitoes disappear miraculously. During dinner a dark cloud rises over trees with noticeable speed. All nature is suddenly quiet except for a fast-eating hiker. I make it to the tent before the first drops fall. And soon the rain is over again.
1st day, 30,16 km from Altja to Nõmmeveski
3rd day, 28,31 km, from Jussi Väinjärv to Mägede

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