9th day, 31 km, from Kellisaare to Hüpassaare

Night was spent in a disco. Not very nice. Some garbage has been added to the scenery.
First stop will be Kurgja. It's the birthplace of Mr Jakobson, an Estonian independence movement figure from the 19th century. There’s a museum now. And a cafe, with the possibility to get electricity masked with an interest in coffee and cake. Meanwhile sun has come out and it has gotten quite hot. There’s some kind of sporting event going on. The organizers try to convince me to take part of it but I have my own business to take care of.
The trail goes through lovely forest, quiet and hot with a gentle breeze. Blueberries slow me down but I’m in no hurry anyway. Since this is an independent trail, called Sakala trail, are here many rest stops. I use them all. One, Saeveski cabin, is especially nice. After that the trail zigzags through some more forest, now as gravel road. No long straight stretches today. My feet still start to hurt by the evening and I reach Hüpassaare at about 8 o’clock quite exhausted. There’s already a family with children and two cyclists arrive while I go to fetch water from the bog. In the bog everything is golden by the sun, grass and low pines.
8th day, 32,8 km, from Tillniidu to Kellissaare
10th day, 24,2 km, from Hüpassaare to Kõrtsi-Tõramaa

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